Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Easy to Find Golf Cart Cover Solutions

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When one mentions cleaning a golf cart cover, ordinary house makers will probably think of heavy duty shampooing equipment and chemical solutions with names that conjure high school chemistry classes.  Well, this may be correct, but there are actually a good number of solutions that will not really drill a hole in the wallet, not to mention that they won't need for everyone to channel their inner Einstein.  Cleaning something like a golf cart cover may never be a breeze, but it can be manageable, even if you have to do it all by your lonesome. Yes, you may think that maintaining a clean cover would require you to hire a professional. But guess what, you can do it yourself. You just have to be patient and focused, Cleaning a golf cart entails being up to speed with the things that have actually ruined the golf cart so that a suitable cleaning solution can be applied.

Cardinal Rule In Cleaning Golf Cart Cover

One cardinal rule that should always be remembered with cleaning a golf cart is to never wipe or rub a stain.  Just like in every other surface, anyone’s first instinct reaction is to take away dirt by rubbing it off. Although this is an understandable panic jerk reaction, condition yourself to never do that ever again. This is a big no-no in golf cart covers.  Rubbing dirt off in a cover will only scatter it.  If there is a stain in the cover, any solid particles must be picked out first, then spray shaving cream and let it set for 15 minutes. Yes, the thing men use to make removing those stubbles; you can use it to remove stains. This is particularly perfect for bird droppings that would usually be the biggest problem for golf cart covers. Scoop it up and rinse the spot with a solution made of water and vinegar.  If not, brake cleaner can also be used because it contains the same chemicals with solutions used by professional dry cleaners in stain removal.   That should be easy – after all, you’re cleaning something that uses brake fluid.

For alcohol stains, try using club soda.  Yes, somehow alcohol, particularly champagne, has a way of getting into a golf cart cover. Blot it with a white paper towel onto the stain and use water to rinse it.  For stains cause by red dye, try using a 30% peroxide solution.  Go easy on the peroxide though, as it may cause some colors to fade.  Spot test it first on the cover.

Getting your golf cart cover clean all the time can be a challenge because it is always used outdoors. At least, you would know how to deal with anything dirty on your cover without spending too much.

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